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MASTER CRAFTERS : Motivational workshop for teachers

  • Move beyond chalk & talk routines.​
  • Command genuine respect from your students. 
  • Teaching techniques to do more with less.
  • Learn to adapt to increasing demands of modern teaching. 
  • Handle classrooms with ease and grace. 
  • All this and much more without missing the fun! 

Master crafters : Promo video & testimonials

Programs for teachers

Personal Responsibility in delivering excellence

The inspiring teacher
Workshop on inspiring students

Teaching with a difference
Workshop on Creative teaching techniques

Funtastic  classrooms
Workshop on Gamifying conventional teaching

Collaborative classrooms
Workshop on developing a learning environment

Happy hours
Workshop on stress management

Workshop on Classroom management

Every second counts
Workshop on effective time management

Entertaining workshop on communication skills

Lead from the front
Leadership workshop for school principals

PRIDE: Motivational program for teachers

Programs for students

Discover your strengths
Workshop on personality profiling and aptitude

Rock the world
Motivational workshop
Less with more
Effective learning techniques

Growing Ahead with Real Values

Digital detox
Workshop on healthy use of social media

Happy hours
Workshop on stress management

What next?
Workshop on career counseling

Every second counts
Workshop on effective time management

Entertaining workshop on communication skills

Workshop on creative writing